Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bovenkamp Kids

Ryan, Sydney, and Ava had a lot of fun playing in all our leaf piles. They were all wet and dirty after they were done.

Poor little Ava was so wet and dirty which she didn't mind until she into the car. Then she was cold. She's still super cute though.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Last weekend

We spent most of last weekend at the Shemiahmoo resort and spa near the Canadian border. Saterday and Sunday were both very cold but beautiful days. I don't know of any other time when I see the mountains so clearly.

The resort was almost completely surrounded by water. As you can see by one of the pictures, the road to get there was narrow and had water on both sides. It was amazing, but the first time we drove down it was on Friday night and it was dark. It was kinda scary because we couldn't see much but we knew that it was water. Steve made sure he drove very carefully. Not to say that he doesn't always.:)

This picture doesn't even come close to how beautiful the mountain was.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our New home

Here are some picture of the outside of our house. I haven't taken any of the inside yet, but they will come.

This is the side of the house the faces the road.

This is our view just across the street.

Wedding pictures are done!

Randy (our photographer) called me yesterday and said that the wedding pictures were done. There are 387 so they take a while to go through. He got some great shots so now we have to decide what enlargements we want. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday yardwork.

Well, I'll just post a few pics here from Saturday, November 15 when we raked and mowed the lawn. It was a beautiful day despite what the weather man said.

This is the back of our house. The beetle is in the carport and the building next to that is the laundry room/garage.

This pile was huge. Compare it to the sidewalk behind it. These leaves are thanks to our giant oak tree.

I love this picture. I think it looks just like an orchard should. This is from the back of the yard to the front. First tree in the line is a plum, then pear, then 3 apples. Another apple just peaking in on the left.

View of Mt. Baker from our back yard. Much better from the front...but I didn't take one :
Nic has pictures of the house on her camera...but I don't have that at work.